2022.10.11 The rain turned to a drizzle. Then the drizzle turned to a light sprinkle. 挺有画面感的,雨越来越小。鸸鹋原来是音译的>emu 10-11
Jeffrey. L
当mother kangaroo被dingo追逐时,为了减轻重量,也为了让dingo远离孩子,会把baby joey丢走,等安全了再回来接。J&A陪着Joey等妈妈,过程中还遇到wildfire,最后等mother kangaroo回来后收到礼物a piece of bark with the painting of the Rainbow Serpent.然后这一段旅程就结束啦,Teddy解除spell变回男孩Ted。02-04
20 至此他们收集到了所有的礼物,最后提到的TED的故事有点牵强了。In Magic Tree House Books #5–8, Jack and Annie helped free Morgan from a spell. In Books #9–12, they solved four ancient riddles and became Master Librarians.In Magic Tree House Books #13–16, Jack and Annie had to save four ancient stories from being lost forever.In Magic Tree House Books #17–20, 10-17