作者小姐姐是哥大心理学PhD 德扑主题本就有趣 文风很是引人入胜 牌技进阶之路与江湖风云人物外 更重要的着眼点是认清世界变幻莫测几率无常 尤其学习新技能的过程 失败才是进步的试金石 To lose constructively and productively is to gain perspectives in life. 适逢规划Vegas之行 扑克练起来哈哈!09-23
Life is the flipping of a coin. You play the man, not the card.05-19
打扑克大约可以看做是对Serenity Prayer的另一种诠释:chance/luck (serenity to accept the things I cannot change), skill/effort (courage to change the things I can), and, mostly importantly, the insight (the wisdom to know the difference).03-17